Team Iron Man vs. Team Captain America
Team Iron Man

Would you prefer the Avengers to be controlled by a regulated entity?
Learn more about Iron Man here!Team Captain America

Or, to them have their own freedom on how to operate for saving the world?
Learn more about Captain America here!Dromosphere
What does dromosphere means?

The concept of the dromosphere can be defined as viewing our world as a racetrack, where everything seems to be accelerating over time. Electracy—our adaptation to digital technologies—has been one of the main accelerators in recent years. Time has become distorted by technological advances that provide an infinite stream of entertainment, making us feel as though everything is moving faster. Additionally, technology has shrunk our world, making physical distance less relevant. This is where concepts like Placeness come into play. With a cellphone, one can be lying on the couch while simultaneously attending a soccer game on the other side of the world. But is this constant connection good and healthy for us? Some people are concerned that while technology allows us to experience positive things remotely, it also exposes us to endless tragedies happening around the globe. This continuous exposure to negative events can lead to what is called a "perpetual accident," where society is constantly bombarded with tragedies at such an accelerated pace that it could become traumatic, leaving some people unable to cope.

Why did I base the concept of the dromosphere on the movie Civil War? The reason is that the real plot of the movie isn't just about the Avengers fighting each other; it's more about a perpetual cycle of accidents occurring in their universe. The world leaders in this universe became increasingly concerned about the frequency and scale of these massive tragedies and their consequences. They even concluded that the cause of these tragedies was the enemies' desire to challenge the Avengers, leading to destruction. This conclusion led to the creation of a treaty, which sought to regulate the Avengers through high-level political oversight to prevent the over-escalation of conflicts. The negotiation of this treaty divided the team. One faction, led by Captain America, believed it was not ideal to be controlled by external forces, while the other faction, led by Iron Man, accepted the idea of political regulation. In our reality, Captain America's ideals can be seen as a reflection of society's acceptance of being exposed to tragic events, even if they are painful, while Iron Man's stance represents the idea of regulating exposure for the "greater good," ensuring that such events don't heavily impact our daily lives or cause trauma. So, which team are you on?