Cristian's Marvel Fan Website

Literacy to Electracy

How people consume Marvel content is a way to explain this shift from literacy to electracy. How? Marvel started as a company that developed a way of literacy—COMICS! Comics about heroes were the beginning of this enormous content-creating company, which has been functioning for a long time. These comics were books with mostly images and dialogues between special characters that the public identified with. Their stories were told in a way that made readers want to be the characters from the comics. At a certain point in time, comics became an important genre of literacy in our society.

But now, with the emergence of electracy, Marvel's interactions with the public have totally changed. Instead of static images and dialogues, they started creating movies with real people as characters. Many superhero movies were made with the intention of combining the majority of the stories being told, leading to a multi-million-dollar entertainment franchise. Of course, there is much more behind this switch that guides this content to great success that I do not know, but what I do know is that it happened, demonstrating the relationship between the evolution of humanity and our ways of entertainment.

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